Registrar and FAQs
Share Registrars Ltd
The Courtyard
17 West Street
Telephone: +44 (0)1252 821390
Facsimile: +44 (0)1252 719232
Email: enquiries@shareregistrars.uk.com
Web Site: www.shareregistrars.uk.com
Frequently asked questions
Who do I contact if I have lost my share certificate or have a query about dividends?
For CyanConnode Ordinary Shares, please contact the address above.
Please note that CyanConnode has not yet proposed or declared any dividends.
Who do I notify if I have changed my address?
Please download the Change of Address form and send it to Share Registrars Ltd. Alternatively, if you are unable to download the form, please contact our Shareholder Helpline (number above) and we will send you a form.
Is it possible to have a lost or invalid dividend cheque replaced?
Yes. Please contact Share Registrars Ltd. See address above.
Please note that CyanConnode has not yet proposed or declared any dividends.
Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank or building society account?
Yes, if you hold ordinary shares and live in the UK. Please contact Share Registrars Ltd for further information. See address above.
Please note that CyanConnode has not yet proposed or declared any dividends.
Can I transfer all or some of my shares to other members of my family?
Yes. Please contact Share Registrars Ltd. See address above or please download a form in PDF format.
I receive multiple copies of shareholder circulars. What should I do?
Your name probably appears on the share register more than once. Please contact Share Registrars Ltd for advice on how to amalgamate your shareholdings. See address above.
When will CyanConnode release results this year?
Please see Important Dates page for details of the financial calendar.
How do I get an annual report?
Details of annual and interim reports will be made available on this site when they are published.
I have a question which is not covered in the above. Who do I contact?
Further information can be found at the Share Registrars Ltd website. Alternatively, please see Contact Us for details of who to contact with your question.