CyanConnode provides a communication platform for energy, lighting and emerging applications in the wider ‘Internet of Things’ network.
It gained the International Quality Management Standard ISO 9001:2015 in March 2013 granted by Alcumus Isoquar, along with International Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001:2015 in May 2013 and International Information Security Management Standard ISO 27001:2013 In May 2013. This certification has been obtained through proven continual improvement of its business processes and its customer focus activities.
ISO 9001:2015
Please click here to download a PDF version of the ISO Certificate
ISO 14001: 2015
Please click here to download a PDF version of the ISO Certificate
ISO 27001: 2013
Please click here to download a PDF version of the ISO Certificate
In addition to its commitment to the quality of its products, services and business processes, CyanConnode also complies with the environmental legislation with respect to its products in that all are RoHS, China RoHS, REACH and PFOS compliant and that the company is WEEE registered.
RoHS declaration for CyanConnode IC products :
Please click here to download a PDF version of the RoHS declaration
RoHS declaration for CyanConnode board level products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the RoHS declaration
China RoHS declaration for CyanConnode IC products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the China RoHS declaration
China RoHS declaration for CyanConnode board level products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the China RoHS declaration
REACH declaration for CyanConnode IC products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the REACH declaration
REACH declaration for CyanConnode board level products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the REACH declaration
PFOS declaration for CyanConnode IC products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the REACH declaration
PFOS declaration for CyanConnode board products:
Please click here to download a PDF version of the REACH declaration
WEEE registration number: WEE/AF0197VQ
CyanConnode will upon request, in accordance with its responsibilities under the ‘The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 no. 3289), as amended’, arrange for the collection by a licenced waste carrier and dispose of by an approved, authorised treatment facility all CyanConnode demonstration, development and trial kits and boxed concentrator products used within the UK that are no longer required by the customer.