Environmental policy
Policy towards the environment
CyanConnode believes that Sustainability and Environmental Issues are of such paramount importance that they merit a Statement of Intent on behalf of the Company and to all those involved in its activities.
To develop and continually improve our sustainability and environmental performance we must engage our customers, employees and supply chain. To do this we:
- Will respect the environment’s weaknesses and uphold the law and regulations relating to it
- Will work diligently to reduce energy and resource consumption by adhering to good practice and encourage our suppliers and customers to do the same
- Will pursue waste management and recycling vigorously and we will fulfil our obligations and where possible advance initiatives in this area
- We are committed to preventing pollution, to continual improvement in our environmental performance and to influencing and advising our suppliers, customers and employees in sound environmental practice
- Encouraging the assessment and monitoring of our suppliers’ supply chain to ensure that their sustainability risks, including Health and Safety, ethical, environmental, social and economic impacts are understood and managed
- Require where possible, that potential suppliers submit prices for alternative more sustainable products and ensure that these are given due cost benefit consideration prior to award
- Ensure that we deal with all our customers, suppliers and potential suppliers fairly and ethically
- Wherever possible we will employ local people and procure local produce and encourage our suppliers to do the same
- Integrate sustainability considerations into our business decisions
- Minimise the impact on sustainability of our office and transportation activities
The authority for all aspects of this policy is vested in the Chief Executive.
The Chief Executive may delegate any aspect of his work to others at his discretion but remains responsible for the timely and effective completion of such delegated work.
John Cronin
Executive Chairman